Drugstore mascara that will change your life

I tend to stick to the same ol’ same ol’ when it comes to makeup.  I mean, my idea of branching out is adding eyeliner when I’m hittin’ the town.  {Sad, I know.  But true.}  I also don’t like to spend a lot of money on makeup… I’m all about the CVS extrabucks.  Even though I don’t like to wear tons of makeup, I do like a good mascara that will brighten up my eyes.  Mascara just makes me feel put together even when I’m not. The secret?  To pair Maybelline the Falsies Volum’ Express and Wet n Wild MegaLength… Read More

| Filed under fashion

Things I want to remember about the second trimester

Most importantly, it’s not the first trimester.  {Where are the emojis on my laptop?  Because I need the hands clapping one and the heart eyes.  Come on, Apple.} Oh second trimester, how I love you.  Yes, you came with some of your own challenges but I prefer you to the first trimester any day of the week.  During this stretch, I didn’t have to ask David, “Will I ever feel like myself again?”  Baby Girl is making herself so much more visible but I think I can handle that. Favorite moments include… + learning we were having a Baby Girl + feeling her move all… Read More

| Filed under Baby, fashion

Goals for September

via This summer, I just did one big to-do list and I’m pretty happy with the amount of things that got checked off.  But now that’s its back to school time, I’ve got to focus in on the things I want to accomplish this month.  And I’m really excited for some cooler temps and the beginning of soup and chili season! Have devotions every morning My day just seems to get off to such a better start when I’m focused on the right things. Baby Girl’s room There are so many things that I need to get done in there… Read More

| Filed under monthly goals

Friday favorites | back to school edition

via We’ve made it to the weekend!  Pretty sure I haven’t looked forward to a Friday as much as this one since mid June.  I really can’t complain though because it’s been a good week.  The first week of school is always hectic and it feels like all I can do is tread water.  It’ll be nice when things settle down a little.   Yesterday I wrote about our struggles when it comes to naming Baby Girl and your comments were so helpful and encouraging!  Thank you so much.  A couple of you mentioned that my fickle nature probably won’t have… Read More

| Filed under High five for Friday

What’s in a name?

Remember the girls’ weekend I went on a couple weekends ago?  Yeah, that one when we decided to hit up a winery and torture the pregnant girl?  Yep. One of the conversations in the car went like this: -Kenzie: “How’s Baby Girl’s name coming along?” -Me: “I don’t know!  I feel so much pressure with her name.  Caring for a newborn?  I got this.  Her name is so important.  What if I change my mind?  What if she becomes one of seven Emma’s in her class?  I won’t ever be able to choose one.  Too much pressure!” -Mom: “Oh my gosh,… Read More

| Filed under Baby

What’s up Wednesday? | August edition

Last month was my very first What’s up Wednesday? post and since I had so much fun reflecting on the month, I decided to play along again.  Is anybody else shocked that August has practically come and gone?  Time is just flying these days; such a nice change from the first trimester when I thought November would never get here.  Now we’re officially under 3 months from her due date! What we’re eating this week | Mostly crockpot recipes!  And you know how much David loves taco soup and would eat it all year long if I would let him.  Well,… Read More

| Filed under What's up Wednesday?

The knotted look | the look for you!

I had a lot of positive feedback on my knotted look last week.  But just in case you thought it was only for pregnant girls, think again! So grab a tee and knot it over a pencil skirt, a maxi or a dress!  And then let me know if it worked for you! And… tomorrow is What’s Up Wednesday?  If you don’t have anything on your blog calendar, you should play along!  It’s one of my favorite posts.  So much packed into just one post. >>Linkups<< Stylelixir | I do deClaire | Anne in Residence | Bless Her Heart Y’all + 2 Cats & Chloe | | Walking in Memphis + The… Read More

| Filed under fashion

Weekending | Monday mantra

Quickest weekend recap on record: my favorite things about this weekend were… >>a Target run with Mom >>watching Kenz on the volleyball court >>a pool party >>relaxing >>Chick-fil-A >>starting the week with an empty laundry hamper >>watching Parenthood >>trying BurgerFi for the first time Since today is the first day of school for students and teachers all across North Carolina, I compiled some of my favorite inspirational quotes from my Pinterest board.  Here’s to a great day!   I hope you start today feeling inspired for whatever this day might bring.  Instead of starting off the week with the Monday… Read More

| Filed under Weekending

The knotted look

See, this is why I blog. After I scrolled through my Pinterest board on how to dress the bump, I was inspired to document my favorite looks.  After writing my pinspired post last week, I realized my favorite look was a knotted shirt over a dress and I hadn’t even thought about attempting it yet. So, literally the day I posted that, I tried this look.  And then two days later, the exact same look made a repeat appearance.  Because that’s the life of a pregnant girl.  You better wear something while it fits! How has blogging inspired you recently?… Read More

| Filed under fashion, maternity

Summer bucket list update

Since we’re officially back to work today, here’s a little update of the things that got done around here this summer.  It was very productive but it turned out a little differently than my summer bucket list had in mind.  Let’s take a look back… >>Switch the guest room, clean out the office and start on the nursery. We got the majority of this done in one weekend thanks to my mom and sister spending an entire Saturday refinishing furniture.  And then when the guys came home from playing golf, they moved everything around for us… more than once. >>Catch… Read More

| Filed under list, monthly goals