Introducing Ariana Rebecca

On Sunday, November 15, we  got the surprise of a lifetime.  After preparing myself for months that she would go past her due date, I woke up at 4:30am one week ago with some back pain.  I told David about it and I remember saying, “Do you think that means anything?”  It took a few hours before I actually believed I was in labor.  16 hours later, our sweet Ariana was born at 8:48.  She weighed 8lbs, 8ozs and was 20.5 inches long. In her first few hours of life, she got to meet all of her grandparents as well… Read More

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The ramblings of a pregnant girl + our weekend

Isn’t it funny how time changes our priorities? Friday mid-morning I wasn’t feeling the greatest.  I thought that would go away once I ate lunch.  No such luck.  I mean… I am 38 weeks pregnant so not feeling well isn’t too far out of the ordinary.  I ended up coming home from work at going straight to my bed to cozy up in for a nap.  Then David brought dinner home and I fell back asleep.  By the time I woke up again, it was probably 7:30.  And although I wasn’t feeling fabulous, I felt good enough to get some… Read More

| Filed under Baby, Weekending

Nursery reveal

As soon as we found out that this little treasure was a girl, I began Pinteresting nursery ideas.  I knew I wanted to incorporate girly aspects without going the traditional pink route.  I’m a huge fan of wall collages and inspirational quotes and gold was a must-have.  I also wanted these pieces to be things that could grow with her and not be “babyish.”  I’m really pleased with how it turned out.  There were times when I felt like I lost my vision but then I was able to come back to it. This is the view from the hallway… Read More

| Filed under Baby

Beef stew recipe

I’ve been meaning to get this up on the blog since… at least a month ago.  I’ve already made it twice and it’s so delicious.  Soups and stews are one of my favorite things about this time of year.  And mostly, I love that once I make it, I have leftovers for several meals. #leftoverlife Angelica blogged this recipe and it sounded delicious that I commented I was planning to try it soon.  And since she knows me so well, she immediately commented back that I could do a crockpot version and BOOM, my life was complete. #crockpotlife Here’s what… Read More

| Filed under recipe

Goals for November

You guys.  It’s officially “baby month.”  Think she’ll make an appearance in November or make us hold out for December?  I’m cheering for team November and I’ve been sending her those vibes but I’m not so sure that she’s listening. I’m a little scared to check in on October’s goals because I don’t think I was very successful. Devotions | Most days, yes. Weekend getaway | Blowing Rock last weekend was gorgeous.  The fall colors were breathtaking and we enjoyed the relaxation.  Sleep?  Not so much. Recipes | FAIL.  I don’t think I made a new recipe; actually, I don’t… Read More

| Filed under monthly goals

What’s Up Wednesday? | October Edition

What we’re eating | Mostly things from the beloved crockpot.  Or brownies/nerds/chocolate chip cookies/donuts/ice cream errday. What I’m reminiscing | Last week was homecoming week at school so I took advantage and had a costume everyday.  {Basically, the teachers enjoy it as much as the kids do.  And we get to wear jeans.} Music Monday: “Baby got back” Future Me: “Coach Mom” Holiday attire: Happy New Year! Juno + Paulie Bleeker What I’m loving | I may not be able to have a glass of wine or a Ceasar salad, but I can eat ice cream at least a couple times a week.… Read More

| Filed under What's up Wednesday?

Baby Girl bumpdates | weeks 33, 34 and 35

I’ve been taking the pictures but posting them has been a different story.  So here’s three weeks worth of this little cutie who likes to kick my hipbones all day long.  {Technically she’s punching them since she’s head down… but ya know.}  She also really enjoys dance parties by herself and with each little movement I feel, I can’t help but wonder what it will be like when she’s here with us.  Five weeks and counting! Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 | bloglovin | instagram | facebook | pinterest | the studio |   By Claire | Filed under Baby, fashion

| Filed under Baby, fashion

Weekending | The Carolina BalloonFest Edition

How sad is it that I’m sitting here after a fabulous Sunday and cannot, for the life of me, remember what we did on Friday night?  #pregnancybrain It was obviously very exciting. Saturday was a much more laid back day than we’ve had in a over a month and it was just what my little non-sleeping body {and mind} needed.  I was able to get some thank you notes written and do some organizing.  We’ve had so much love from family and friends showering us with gifts and it’s such a blessing. I feel somewhat unqualified to organize her room.… Read More

| Filed under Weekending

The wand that will change the way you curl your hair

I’m no stranger to scouring Pinterest for a new way to achieve those slightly messy, lived-in waves.  You know the ones I’m talking about because you’ve done it too. And every hair blog, vlog, video and tutorial says that after you curl your hair, you have to run your fingers through it so that it looks natural.  That might work for a professional, but for me it’s always resulted in all the curl falling out.  Stick straight hair; can’t even tell I’ve done anything to it and I actually just spent 20 minutes curling it.  Grrrrreat. So I’ve always had… Read More

| Filed under fashion

Weekending | Showers 1, 2 and 3

Baby Shower #1 Last weekend, we had lots of family in Greenville, SC to watch Kenzie’s volleyball games on Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday morning, we had planned to go to breakfast with Kaitlyn, Andre, Kenzie and Ryan.  Kaitlyn woke up Sunday morning not feeling well and said she was backing out.  Kenz told me we needed to look cute so we could take a picture but it was raining and preggers over here wasn’t having any of this cute mess.  Instead, I put on a hat.   We came back from breakfast to a surprise baby shower. My surprised… Read More

| Filed under Baby, Weekending