A mashup: thankful Thursday + our {love} story

Today marks the third straight thankful Thursday.  It’s also the next step in our {love} story.  {Two of my favorite things in one place.} July 24, 2010 was hands down, without a doubt, the best day of my life. And for that I’m so thankful!  Thankful to every single person who played a role in making every wedding-day dream come true.  Yes, there were {small} bumps along the road.  But the day was filled with our favorite people in the entire world, a party, and at the end of the day, we were starting a new life together. But before… Read More

Today I’m thankful for…

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I love the idea behind taking time out of our schedules to be thankful.  And eat.  And hang out with family.  I know there’s more hoopla that comes with Christmas but Thanksgiving is something special to me.  Last week, I told you all about our fabulous vacation.  But this week I’m scaling it back a touch.  Here are some random, every-day things that I often take for granted.  But today… I’m thankful for them! Today, I’m thankful… >> for a garage that my car stays nice and warm inside.  {Mostly, I’m thankful that… Read More

November goals

  First of all, how is it November already?  In case you missed it, I posted on Saturday about the Liebster award, a blogging consultation and thankful Thursdays. Second… take a look back at my October goals.  Here’s a recap… 1.  We are in the routine of doing devotions together every morning.  I wish we had started this so much sooner.  This month, we spent most of our mornings reading a few pages from Power in Praise.  One chapter was kinda weird but the rest of it was on point.  It was such good reminder to be thankful for everything…… Read More

{Saturday surprise} Three in one

{one | an award} Kelly at Familiar Joy nominated me for an award that I didn’t even know existed.  Cool, right?  {Thanks girl!}  Kelly has four adorable kids and she posts lots of great family and fashion ideas.  She started blogging a couple of weeks before I did  and found me through a comment I left on Shay’s blog.  She’s also a teacher and coach’s wife.  {No idea how she does it all!}  She was the first follower {at least that I knew of} that wasn’t a friend or family member.  {So, she made me feel like a real blogger.}  And… Read More

Two ways to wear mixed patterns

  My fashion inspiration comes from flipping through InStyle, scrolling through Pinterest or {lezzzbehonest} most often, checking out someone else’s outfit.  Here’s what I’ve noticed recently:  mixing patterns takes an outfit to a whole new level.  It’s like it creates this new interest in the outfit.  A new dynamic to the outfit.  In my opinion, it looks best with layers.  But then again, maybe I’m just a little obsessed because everything I post recently is about layers.  Pulling off this look can take a little bit of skill.  You don’t want to come out looking like you did on tacky day… Read More

Crockpot chili

For us, chili is a winter staple.  If someone said you can have chili this winter or have heat in your house, pretty sure both of us would choose chili and then just huddle around it with tons of  layers on.  David would eat it 12 months a year if I would fix it but I make him wait until it starts getting cooler outside.  It’s the perfect winter food… it’s a crockpot meal, it makes enough for leftovers and it’s the perfect thing to eat on the couch with football or basketball on tv and snuggle.  And although I… Read More

Makeup must haves

If you were stranded on a deserted island, and could only bring 9 things with you… what would they be? Just kidding.  I wouldn’t bring all makeup.  Maybe just one.  But since there are no deserted islands around here… 1.  The Body Shop All in One Face Base.  If I could bring 9 things with me…  and if one was makeup, this is definitely my can’t-do-without item.  It covers but it’s lightweight.  It lasts all day.  It doesn’t end up oily after two hours.  It doesn’t end up oily after 12 hours.  I know because I’ve tested it.  I’m absolutely… Read More

House tour {the living room}

   I wish I had pictures of the transformation this room has undergone in 4 and a half years.  When we moved in, every room in our house was already painted a very light neutral.  Which I love in the kitchen, hallway, bedrooms, etc.  But the living room felt boring.  So I convinced my non-painting husband to help me paint the living room green.  Kelly green. Why that seemed like a good plan, I have no idea.  It didn’t take long before I was tired of it and then eventually I hated it.  With a passion.  So over spring break… Read More

October goals

Check out my September goals here. Even after only one month of this monthly list, I have to tell you… I LOVE IT.  Even those of you who are not bloggers, you should totally do this.  It’s so motivating. Here’s a quick recap of how I did on my September goals. 1.  Devotions… check!  This one has been a game-changer.  Reading the bible and devotional books with David every morning before work has put us both in such a good place mentally and emotionally. 2.  New recipe… Yep!  Check out yesterday’s post.  Southwest chicken bake is delicious and it left… Read More

The busy girl’s guide to saving money

I’m all about easy ways to save money.  Nothing fancy, complicated or time-consuming here.  Well, not too complicated or time-consuming. 1. I hit up Sam’s Club for nonperishables and meat.  We were at the beach over the summer and didn’t have a Sam’s and I had forgotten how much I actually save on things like ground beef.  I can get a pound of 90/10 ground beef for under four dollars.  At a regular grocery store I think it’s around $6.  I always buy the meat in four to five pound increments, divide it into one-pounders and freeze it in ziplock… Read More