Date night | the look + the meal

Us & date nights Ok, real talk here.  We’re not really good at “date nights.”  You know how some couples carve out time for each other once a week?  And they go and do fun things and put the rest of life on hold while they’re out? Yeah, not us.  We actually spend as much time together as possible.  But it’s doing things like organizing the office – we did that together on Sunday and we were both really excited about it.  Or we coach together.  There were many nights during basketball season that we would spend the evening watch 4… Read More

February goals

In some ways, I’m in awe that we’ve already made it through January.  In other ways… bring on February!  Mondays are usually spent recapping the weekend and linking up with Biana and Meghan.  But let’s be real, there’s not a lot to recap when you don’t do a lot. {But I did feature some of my favorite pieces from The Mint Julep Boutique on Saturday.  What’s that?  You haven’t entered the giveaway yet?  Get on it, girl!} Before jumping in to the goals for this month, lets take a quick look back at January’s goals. 1.  Devotions – even on… Read More

Weekending | the extended version

The best thing about today?  It’s still technically the weekend when you don’t have to work on Monday.  All day yesterday I kept breaking out in a huge smile and saying, “Guess what babe?  We don’t have to work tomorrow!” In my opinion, an extended weekend is right up there with chocolate and wine, in terms of my love for them. But just in case you do have to work today, I’ll stop rubbing it in your face.  Instead, I’ll show you just a peek at the awesomeness that was this weekend. Friday night started off with two wins!  When I… Read More


Happy Friday!  These are a few of my favorites right now. {gift} David bought me an orchid.  We have this running joke about him never buying me flowers… it stems all the way back to our first few dates.  I love orchids but I killed the last one he bought me.  Here’s to hoping this guy sticks around a little longer than the last. {quote} I think I’m gonna give this to my girls.  Such a valuable life lesson… because it applies to every aspect of life. {reads} Pinky shared this article yesterday: 45 Life Lessons Written by a 90-Year-Old… Read More

Ringing in 2015 + a little more

Yesterday morning I told David I could live my life in Christmas break mode all year long.  It was the perfect amount of busy and free time.  Because if I get too much free time, I get so bored and wish there was something going on.  And over break there definitely was.  It was busy.  It was busy with things and people I love. But we’re back into the swing of things.  So here we go!  Let’s make it a good one! #firstmondayof2015 Our New Year’s Even was laid back and perfect.  Here’s a few pictures we snapped as we… Read More

December recap + January goals

1.  Make a new recipe again. Does all the Christmas baking count?  K, good. 2.  Have devotions on the weekend. I didn’t do this consistently enough so it’ll rollover into January.  David got me a book for Christmas called Jesus Today {by the author of Jesus Calling}. 3.  Bake Christmas goodies for gifts.  See #1.  And it was so much fun.  And so much deliciousness.  We even have a handful of chocolate covered pretzels still left! 4.  Send Christmas cards and do a Christmas craft. Christmas cards – I designed them and had them printed.  They sat on my kitchen… Read More

Sequins + Leather {And Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up}

I’m so excited to be co-hosting today’s linkup with the fabulous Brooke and Erica at Pumps & Pushups! They combine fashion and fitness perfectly.  If you haven’t checked them out before… get on it! Here’s a low-key look to ring in 2015.  {The bonus?  You probably have these pieces stashed in your closet!} New Year’s Eve just calls for sequins, right?  And there are a million {and one} adorable little cocktail dresses out there that you could choose from. On the real, though, we’re having a few friends over.  There’s no dance club or fancy restaurant in my future.  {At least not… Read More

Friday favorites: the winter warmth edition

In the winter time, a great outfit starts with a great jacket!  Here are four that I can’t live without because they keep me warm and cozy but they look great, too!  {And that is what we call a favorite around here!} {ONE} the black + white You can’t got wrong with this one.  It’s the easiest way to make black pants look interesting.  And then a bright scarf?  Boom.  You’ve got an outfit! {TWO} the casual This one is brand new this season.  I’ve needed a new causal jacket to wear with jeans and tshirts {and yoga pants!}.  This one… Read More

December goals

Happy December!  It’s so hard to believe we’re here.  Less than one month left in 2014.  The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everything feels so festive and celebrated! Let’s do a quick recap of my November goals… 1.  Devotions: I’m still enjoying this as a part of the morning routine.  This month, I’ve been working through a study on the book of Ruth and I’ve learned so much about this story that I never knew! 2.  Memorize a new verse: Colossians 3:23 is an especially good reminder during the busy seasons of life. 3.  Continue… Read More

Friday favorites with a twist

Ever have one of those weeks?  Not a bad one, just a long one?  Like every morning you wake up and can’t believe that it’s still not Friday?  Well, we’re in luck today, friends!  Friday finally decided to show up which means the weekend is right around the corner!  #neededthatthreedaysago In other news: next week is a two-day week.  #wecandothis I’m all about routines but I’m just feelin’ a change up today.  Here we go! {favorite purchase} You’ve seen our adorable pup.  And our poor, pitiful, sad, naked one.  The naked one typically only exists in the summer.  But David was… Read More