How to decorate for Christmas with a newborn

…In 20 easy steps 😉

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I remember looking at the calendar pretty early on in my pregnancy and deciding that I would decorate the house for Christmas the day before my due date… that way, whenever the baby decided to come, I’d be ready to sit at home and enjoy the Christmas lights.

Ha.  What is that saying about God laughing at our plans?  {And in case you’re not familiar with Davidisms, GYMR is an acronym for get your mind right.}

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Getting the decorations up this year took slightly more effort than in previous years.  Here’s how to decorate your house for Christmas with a newborn…

  1. Get a box down from the attic
  2. Feed newborn
  3. Stop to put the glider together Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 1.29.05 PM
  4. Get a second box down from the attic
  5. Realize that you better learn how to do everything with one hand… because one hand is obviously reserved for Sleeping BeautyScreen Shot 2015-12-04 at 1.28.56 PM
  6. Rip the tape off of one box
  7. Feed newborn
  8. If you find a living room chair in your kitchen, just roll with it Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 1.28.41 PM
  9. Set one decoration out
  10. Feed newborn
  11. Call it a night and vow to tackle attempt the process the following day

12. Feed newborn
13. Set one more decoration out
14.  Rip tape off second box
15.  Realize this process might take until December 25
16.  Feed newborn
17.  Call in reinforcements Grandma to hold the newborn
18.  Frantically set out just enough decorations to make it feel like Christmas
19.  Feed newborn
20.  Take a nap

Whew.  That was way less complicated last year but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

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| Filed under Ariana, home decor
  • Haha how funny. I can see how decorating with a newborn could be challenging. Cute post :)

  • Cheers to you for getting any decorations out at all! You’re amazing!

  • Oh COZI! I use that app for work (managing a family of 6 is near impossible without it)! And yes–God definitely laughs at our plans. Your tree is so gorgeous!

    • I started it years ago in an effort to try to get David to put things in the calendar. But now I’m considering switching to Google…

  • haha you did a great job getting it all decorated! It’s tricky with a newborn, they need so many feeds and snuggles it’s not easy to get anything else done. Always good to celebrate the small victories like this though – no matter how long it took, you did it! :) I hope you have a very happy Christmas with your adorable daughter :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • It definitely took a while to get the hang of doing anything other than feeding her. But I was so glad to have the tree up to gaze at while I sat on the couch all day every day :)

  • mdb0112

    Hhahahaa, yes! I love this! And I love that you called grandma! :) xo, Champagne&Suburbs

    • She held Ari for probably an hour while I set everything out. When it was time to feed again that’s when I knew I was done. Even if I wasn’t as done as I wanted to be, that’s all that was happening for this year.