Summer bucket list update

Since we’re officially back to work today, here’s a little update of the things that got done around here this summer.  It was very productive but it turned out a little differently than my summer bucket list had in mind.  Let’s take a look back… >>Switch the guest room, clean out the office and start on the nursery. We got the majority of this done in one weekend thanks to my mom and sister spending an entire Saturday refinishing furniture.  And then when the guys came home from playing golf, they moved everything around for us… more than once. >>Catch… Read More

Summer bucket list

Today is officially our last day of the 2014-2015 school year!!  While there are a lot of seasons that make the lives of two educators very hectic, we really do enjoy having some time off in the summer. Our summers usually kick off with family vacations and then the rest of it is pretty low-key.  This year, I want to make a conscious effort to get some things checked off the list and make some memories.  My focus is to get better organized and throw out all the crap that we accumulate but don’t really need.  After all, next summer will… Read More

Two ways to wear | a summer dress

Don’t fall out of your chair, ok?  Is February 11 really the last time I did a two ways to wear?  Holy slacking.  Back in the days when I actually blogged on a regular basis, I was constantly thinking about what my two ways to wear post could be for that week.  Aaaaand then I got pregnant and never felt like getting off the sofa taking pictures. I can’t use that excuse anymore because I’ve been feeling really good for a while now.  But it my defense, it’s summer.  Which means traveling and never fixing my hair and you just don’t… Read More

What’s up Wednesday? | August edition

Last month was my very first What’s up Wednesday? post and since I had so much fun reflecting on the month, I decided to play along again.  Is anybody else shocked that August has practically come and gone?  Time is just flying these days; such a nice change from the first trimester when I thought November would never get here.  Now we’re officially under 3 months from her due date! What we’re eating this week | Mostly crockpot recipes!  And you know how much David loves taco soup and would eat it all year long if I would let him.  Well,… Read More

What’s up Wednesday?

Since we’re at the end of July, I’m in that denial stage that every teacher goes through.  We go back to work in HOW MANY days?  This has been a great summer and I’ve gotten so many things checked off my summer bucket list, but it also feels like there’s so much left to do!  Time to get in productivity for days mode but also enjoy these last few days to relax.  How do I accomplish both?  I have no idea.  But here’s a little peek into what’s been going on around here recently. What we’re eating this week |… Read More

Life Lately

Hiiiiiii, friends!  It’s been too long.  Remember the organizing for on the Summer Bucket List I had planned?  Well, let me just tell you that organizing takes foreverrrrr.  And that what I wrote down to accomplish this summer was only the tip of the iceberg.  I’ve gotten some stuff checked off the list but then it just shows me how much more I need to get done.  And it leaves no time for blogging.  #sadface But here’s a few things that have been going on around here. Refinishing: furniture for Baby Girl’s nursery.  Kaitlyn and Mom came this weekend and we… Read More

Goals for September

via This summer, I just did one big to-do list and I’m pretty happy with the amount of things that got checked off.  But now that’s its back to school time, I’ve got to focus in on the things I want to accomplish this month.  And I’m really excited for some cooler temps and the beginning of soup and chili season! Have devotions every morning My day just seems to get off to such a better start when I’m focused on the right things. Baby Girl’s room There are so many things that I need to get done in there… Read More

{Saturday surprise} Three in one

{one | an award} Kelly at Familiar Joy nominated me for an award that I didn’t even know existed.  Cool, right?  {Thanks girl!}  Kelly has four adorable kids and she posts lots of great family and fashion ideas.  She started blogging a couple of weeks before I did  and found me through a comment I left on Shay’s blog.  She’s also a teacher and coach’s wife.  {No idea how she does it all!}  She was the first follower {at least that I knew of} that wasn’t a friend or family member.  {So, she made me feel like a real blogger.}  And… Read More