My favorite things

Today’s #Blogtober14 prompt says to blog about what makes you happy .  And since I never post on Sundays, I decided today is the perfect day to change that.

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Here are a few {39 to be exact} of my favorite things… listed in whatever order they popped into my head.

1.  Weekends
2.  Wine
3.  Reba
4.  Finishing a project

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5.  Seasons… and new beginnings
6.  Surprises
7.  Holidays

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8.  Reminiscing on good memories
9.  When that team you hate… loses a game
10.  Watching my siblings play sports
11.  Throwback music {currently listening to “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy}
12.  Laughing
13.  Coworkers who double as friends
14.  Our nephews

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15.  Really great worship music… live
16.  Snapchat

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Because how else are you gonna document this moment?

17.  Blogging
18.  New clothes
19.  Peyton Manning
20.  When Corbin makes me laugh so hard I cry

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Since there are no pictures of that happening {at least not that I could easily find}… you’ll have to imagine it taking place

21.  Trips
22.  Ecards
23.  Funny movies + tv shows
24.  Reciting every scene from the funny movies + tv shows
25.  Sunglasses
26.  Watching David ski

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27.  Snow days

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28.  Talking basketball with Dad
29.  Friends

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This kind of friends…
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Oh and this kind too… obviously.

30.  Painted nails
31.  Finding old pictures
32.  The college days of going out

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 33.  The nights that dinner is already made
34.  Tennessee orange
35.  Weekend visits from friends
36.  Weddings
37.  Coaching

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38.  Starting the morning off with devotions
39.  Basically anything with this guy

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What are your favorite things?

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  • hahaha I laughed out loud at “When a team you hate loses a game” haha! So true! Makes me so happy!

    • Yes! Glad to know there are other competitive/evil people out there!

  • Anonymous

    #9 is one of my FAVORITES!!!!

  • Love your list! Wine + FRIENDS = perfect weekend :)