Congrats, Hubs!

From the other room, I hear David pause the podcast he’s been listening to to answer an incoming call. “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it.” Ariana is already in bed and I can tell he’s trying to keep his voice quiet but professional.

“Did you just call Dr. Stover, ‘Doc?'” I ask after he hangs up.

“Yeah,” he grins at me. “I always call him that.”


And that’s how we found out that David was officially approved by the Board of Education as a principal in our school district.


I’m so proud of what he’s accomplished. He’s gone from teacher’s assistant, to teacher, to assistant principal, to principal in 8 years. 8 years! He’s worked in 3 different schools and with a profusion of great educators. He’s worked alongside some amazing teachers who pour their heart and soul into their students. He’s been mentored by educators who who invest in their students and their staff.

In each school, he has started an All Pro Dad program from the ground up. It’s aimed at getting dads involved in their child’s school. He was inspired to bring this program to our area because as a teacher who works with exceptional children, he looked around early in his career and noticed that only moms came to meetings. He’s also helped others get the same program started at their school.

As the assistant principal and testing coordinator, he has two consecutive weeks in the spring where pandemonium is at an all-time high. It means late nights, early mornings, and tons of additional responsibilities on his shoulders. Guess when the process applying and interviewing for the principal openings came around? Yep, during those two weeks.

So on top of an already demanding schedule, he carved out time prepare.

And what I’m most proud of is that during those long, stress-induced days, he was still the same David that he always is. He still found time to laugh with Ariana over a quick Chick-fil-A dinner in his office. He still fed the dog and a dozen quail when he got home each night. (Yeah, we have quail now but that’s a story for another day.) He ate as many dinners with us as his schedule would allow. He always checked in to see how I was doing.

When most people consider promotions, they look at what they can gain from a new job. Some are focused on getting a raise or and others find the status of climbing the corporate ladder really important. Some people want that kush corner office or an easier job. But David only thought of others as he made his decision.

Every spring, he’s spent time seeking God to see what He has for our family. In previous years, he’s decided that it just wasn’t the right time for him to take the next step. He’s so in-tune with the Holy Spirit and where He leads.

This new journey will no-doubt have it’s difficult moments. He’ll have times where the learning curve is steep. He’ll have long hours and stressful conversations. But I’m just bursting with pride because now it’s his turn.


I’m not sure why it makes me laugh to know that he refers to the Superintendent as Doc. Maybe it’s because it’s the perfect example of how he lets his personality shine through. Maybe its how he keeps things light-hearted and people feel connected to him. Maybe it’s because I envision everyone else taking a more formal tone with things like “Yes Sir,” or “Thanks, Dr. Stover.” Maybe it’s just that I’m so darn proud of who he is throughout his accomplishments. Whatever it is, I’m pumped for his new adventure.

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| Filed under family life
  • Bri


  • How wonderful, I love the program for Dads!! Congratulations to your family!!

  • Andrea Sykes White

    I absolutely love everything about this blog post. 1)Although he was so busy, he made time to enjoy his family. 2) Your support of him 3) That his goal is not to make himself comfortable but uplift those around him. 4)The program for dads to be invilved with their kids…and so much more. Kuddos to both of you! May God continue His blessings upon you guys!!!